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agricultural field 意味

"agricultural field"の例文


  • 圃場{ほじょう}
  • agricultural     agricultural 野良 のら
  • field     1field n. 野原, 畑; 戦場; 現地, 現場; 活動範囲; 競争の場; 領域, 分野; 地, 場. 【動詞+】 Imported
  • productive agricultural field    豊かな農地{のうち}
  • agricultural    agricultural 野良 のら
  • field     1field n. 野原, 畑; 戦場; 現地, 現場; 活動範囲; 競争の場; 領域, 分野; 地, 場. 【動詞+】 Imported electronics products have cleared the field of their domestic competitors. 輸入電子製品が国内のライバルの市場を完全に奪ってしまった conquer the
  • in the field    {1} : 野外で、野外研究をして、野戦で、野中の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 競技に参加して、競争に参加して、現役で ----------------------------------------------------------------
  • on the field    陣中の
  • s. field    {人名} : =
  • the field    the field 原頭 げんとう
  • agricultural accounting    農業会計{のうぎょう かいけい}
  • agricultural accounts    農業経済勘定{のうぎょう けいざい かんじょう}
  • agricultural activity    農業活動{のうぎょう かつどう}
  • agricultural administration    agricultural administration 農政 のうせい
  • agricultural affairs    agricultural affairs 農務 のうむ
  • agricultural age    農耕時代


  • some tatos tried to ease the burden by having the kokushi approve menden (duty free agricultural field ).
  • as an irrigation waterway , he had komuku no omizo (a large ditch ) dug (around kanan town , minamikawachi county , osaka prefecture ) and had a vast agricultural field reclaimed .
  • in agricultural field improvement project that was started in the 1960s , farm lands were re-divided using 30 are (30m x 100m ) as a unit , so many remains of jori were lost .
    1960年代に始まる圃場整備事業では、農地が30アール(30m x 100m)を基準に区画しなおされたため、多くの条里遺構が消滅した。
  • in addition , in the case that the statute labor was exempted because of bearing a particular kuji such as compulsory service , it was called menden (duty free agricultural field ), menhata , menke or menzaike .
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